
Don't worry about other posters

Trust me if you share accurate info somewhat regularily on here without pumping your chest, and you'll be the well liked and respected .

I know ackowledgment is nice , especially from guys like PB and Bronx but at end of day it's a MB of mostly strangers , who cares , im ignored all the time here, it's no big deal , it's just a random MB man , plenty of other things to get pissed about , like a bathtub leak I can't quite figure out ( doesn't leak with shower , only when tub is partially full into room below ), I caulked the shit out of that bathroom too, just bought the investment prop in oct too, now that's something to get pissed about - unforcasted biz expenses - luckily my friend is cool with just getting him some weed but until we open it up , no clue on what materials are needed