Originally Posted By: mackinblack007
[ So you think he deserved to die in the most brutal way possible? get the fuck outta here. There is zero proof he was doing anything illegal, the truth is they had zero probable cause to arrest him, they basically kidnapped him, and he ended up dead, those murderous coward police are gonna get whats coming to them.

I dont think anyone should die in police custody nor should anyone go killing cops, dont see any riots for the NYPD officer killed in cold blood yesterday? Point is they didnt walk into a church and get gray out of choir practice he was a known drug dealer on a known drug corner who decided to run when the police approached the corner... the cops will lose their jobs for not following department procedure but they do not deserve prison for this. If you ever get a chance do a ride along in an inner city and see the game that goes on everyday out there and what police deal with every single day...