Originally Posted By: Belmont
The root cause of suicide is usually depression and an overall feeling of hopelessness. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Too many people look at suicide as a selfish move but lets be real here, for someone to get to that point, they certainly arent rational and i doubt they are weighing the possibilities of other people feelings.
I knew someone that did commit suicide. I remember he was always tired and would say he had to leave and go to sleep. We could be at a club surrounded by beautiful girls with wads of cash in our pockets and he was miserable; although we didnt know it. Breaks my heart that he felt like that and we were too young to understand depression. He disappeared for about 2 or 3 years and i found out he hung himself after running into his cousin.. He was at a local business that morning and jokingly told the owner he never felt like he belonged here and never quite fit in. They were the last words the guy ever said to anyone. The store owner felt like shit and didnt take what he said seriously. So yeah, im very sad about this kid from " Everybody loves Raymond".

100% agree. Hopelessness is without a doubt, the worst feeling you can experience. Even from a logical standpoint, if you convince yourself that the situation you're in is hopeless, there's no logical reason for you to go on living. Being given news that you have a terminal disease with almost no chance of surviving, or being sentenced to life without parole, I imagine has gotta be one of the most hopeless feelings in the world.
I imagine most of the inmates serving LWOP would give anything for a capsule of cyanide... hell, even a belt.

I used to think suicide was the coward's way out. I don't anymore. I sympathize with people who are suicidal. You can't just judge everybody without walking a mile in their shoes.

The worst is that there's little you can do about depression. Therapy helps a little, but there's no magic drug that will cure it. Most SSRI's are absolutely, completely useless... I honestly think most of them are placebo, and I've been on Prozac for a year.
I used to watch Raymond when I was in the US and I loved that show. I had never seen it before. I remember the two blonde twin kids... so saddening to hear this.

-I shot him a coupla' times.
-What's a couple?
-Hmm, more than a couple... Really I don't know the exact amount, maybe I shot him 10 times, 12 times?
-Maybe fifteen?
-Hmm, it could've been fifteen...

-Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso