The root cause of suicide is usually depression and an overall feeling of hopelessness. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Too many people look at suicide as a selfish move but lets be real here, for someone to get to that point, they certainly arent rational and i doubt they are weighing the possibilities of other people feelings.
I knew someone that did commit suicide. I remember he was always tired and would say he had to leave and go to sleep. We could be at a club surrounded by beautiful girls with wads of cash in our pockets and he was miserable; although we didnt know it. Breaks my heart that he felt like that and we were too young to understand depression. He disappeared for about 2 or 3 years and i found out he hung himself after running into his cousin.. He was at a local business that morning and jokingly told the owner he never felt like he belonged here and never quite fit in. They were the last words the guy ever said to anyone. The store owner felt like shit and didnt take what he said seriously. So yeah, im very sad about this kid from " Everybody loves Raymond".

For any of you guys going through difficult times, as long as you have options, you will be fine. Remember, we are all born with unique gifts and talents. Part of life's journey is identifying them. Always look at yourself as a package deal opposed to focusing on your negative qualities. Whenever we hyper focus on the negatives, we ALWAYS exaggerate them. Others never look at these qualities as being nearly as bad as we perceive them to be. For every door that closes another opens . Think about it, i never would of met my wife had it not been for my girl dumping me. If my friend never ratted me out, i would of still been involved with bullshit and never would have started a business; although i would love to meet that piece of shit in a dark alley.
I guess i am getting off course here.

Last edited by Belmont; 05/03/15 03:25 PM.