Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Didn't they seize cars, houses, and bank accounts? So they just been holding onto it all this time?

A couple of the bookmakers still have frozen assets and liens of up to one million dollars. Bookmakers!

I don't know how you'd go about looking that up. But I'm sure there's a way. But I know for a fact that it's true.

That's crazy. Money that has not been legitimately deemed as being earned illegally being held for a DECADE.

Really, right now it should be their money to do with what they please. If the feds levy a fine AFTER being found guilty, then fine.

Fucking feds can do whatever they want.

yes, the IRS the FBI, and any government agency can freeze your bank account just by entering the bank and flashing gov. ID, and, so can any state freeze your bank account, and, its up to you to prove their wrong.

this is a violation of your constitutional rights, but, the government makes their own rules, and people are getting the shaft,

It is complete bullshit the power some govt agencies have

Checks and balances?