On point as usual PB

My guess is you know 10x as much as me but I have several friends that working the industry by where I live and it's a little Bigger than recycling but I get your point .

They should just stop stealing the shit so it doesn't bring heat and just do their normal thing. I'm not even sure there is big $ in garbage anymore as they lost that huge inflated mob tax that was literally 30-40m pure profit to the families . There is no big tax in NJ or CT for that matter but what still drives me nuts is these guys are paid to settle territory disputes and broker for more business , this is legit shit , I can't see it going away anytime soon as their service is needed . Feds instead of locking up a job every politician does , develop a dispute resolution system.

Now there are some garbage stuff that is much more lucrative but PB has brought it up here

Also don't forget those carpenters