Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
From what I can tell, while I would put the Luccheses ahead of the Colombos and Bonannos, they are still closer to those two families than they are to the Genovese or the Gambinos. Of course, any of the three smaller NY families are still a much bigger operation than any family remaining outside NY. You can't compare Philadelphia to even the weakest NY family. To put it in perspective, you could take all the remaining LCN members outside the Northeast and it would equal the size of the smallest NY family.

The Gambinos are a strong #2 and still rival the Genovese in terms of size. But what really makes the Genovese the top family in the country, besides being one of the two largest families and their obvious emphasis on discipline and secrecy, is the fact they control the largest bookmaking and loansharking rings in the NY metropolitan area and have the most labor union clout and involvement in legitimate industries remaining.

That's because the current administration hasn't been indicted yet. It seems clear they are involved in sophisticated construction rackets.