Originally Posted By: ItalianForever
Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
I can't believe it. its totally unreal, it makes me feel like we need a revolution.

something has got to change!!

Unfortunately a revolution won't happen anytime soon people would rather live with blinders on then actually see things for what they are they would rather prove the other party wrong and scream and yell that actually change things and the things they want to change aren't important because the media tells them what tp support.

Voting Democrat and Republican will just bring the same dog and pony show. My brother always laughable at me for voting either Green Party or Libertarian, he likes to tell me it is a wasted vote

I don't mean any disrespect with this man, but I really don't like your attempts to paint the republican party with the same brush as the democratic party (and the left generally) on this issue.

This shit never happened under Bush. If this country elects another democrat, this type of crap will continue unabated. If we elect a strong conservative christian, this shit will end. A conservative commander in chief will not allow such fuckery to take place in the armed forces.

My initial comments were on the political cartoons Malandrino posted, because I found them truthful. Binnie_Coll said he disagreed with the high heel wearing ROTC cadets and my comment/rant was about what he said in regards to a revolution not about high heels.

I don't find this to be an issue because as Getthesenets stated, it is a bullsh*t PR campaign. This stunt was made for the media to run with, for the left to show the feminist and people who reject gender stereotypes that the military is "kinder gentler to women and the issue of sexual violence" and to outrage the right because of the whole trans thing that offends there delicate sensibilities. It's unimportant nonsense stories like this that are used to divide America and keep the public focusing on "issues" like this and Bruce Jenner that aren't really important

These were ROTC college students on college campus, which as I have tried to point out with a recent video I have post one from Georgetown (gender nuetral bathrooms) and the other from UC Berkeley (Students praising ISIS and Hamas and condemning Israel) that some of the most radical and far left ideas are being indoctrinated into the young minds of these students. So I am not surprised by this at all and it is currently under investigation because it is alleged that these cadets were forced to do this under threat of disciplinary action.

In response to painting with the same brush:

A presidential candidate can be atheist liberal or a christian conservative it won't matter they will still be owned by Goldman Sachs and other people on Wall Street who are the people with the most power. Democrats and Republicans are laughing at us because they have convinced us that they are different, they just use social issues as a way to hide the truth.

Last edited by thedudeabides87; 04/30/15 07:05 PM.

The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

Walter Sobchak: This guy f*cking walks. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life