Originally Posted By: Malandrino
You know how they say your rights end where mine begin? In the ideal ultraliberal world, your rights end where my feelings begin. Basically I should be able to do anything I want without any sort of repercussion or responsibility, and if the rest of the world isn't okay with it, then it better change its mind.

I'm sick of just reading about this crap, I have no idea how I'd handle it if I actually lived there.

Here's the thing about the Far Left. The First Amendment is one of the biggest weapons in their arsenal. They fucking SCREAM about Freedom of Speech. Until you say something that they don't like. Then it's no good anymore.

And fuck that slut Hillary Clinton (I'm exercising my First Amendment rights lol).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.