Originally Posted By: DB
I guess I have some bias but IMO the Luchesse have always been strong outside Vic years. Tremendous earners and learned the union game right with the WS, those families might as well be one . Many of those old school Harlem luchesse were as tight with Vito as guys in his family and he did tons of drug biz with them

I agree Gambinos have gotten strong with almost no talk , remind u of anyone ?
Personally tho I haven't heard much in NJ but my NY cousins say otherwise . Maybe they conceded NJ to WS and Ls?

No clue on Bonannos but I hear the remaining Columbo guys are in better shape than you think , more construction and some behind scenes shot callers

That's a great point PB on waterfront and labores but I suspect ( just a guess ) there is another are they are pretty good in

I can not go into the construction end, and the things that are going on right now in the Colombo family but you are right on and it is not just in the city, they are up and down the tri state and more..

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."