Originally Posted By: DB
That's a great point PB on waterfront and labores but I suspect ( just a guess ) there is another are they are pretty good in

I know what you're talking about. But the roof is about to fall in on recycling in Jersey, and it's going to take a bite out of the garbage when it happens. The Feds want to regulate recycling, and they're going to get their way. The guys you're talking about are aware it's coming, and they're willing to concede it to keep the pressure off them in the other areas. And like I said, once they regulate the recycling, they'll be keeping a closer eye on sanitation. Especially now that the Teamsters' restrictions have been lifted (which won't make a bit of difference because Hoffa Junior's babysitters are almost as bad as the Feds).

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.