Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Malandrino
but lowering the standard? That's the worst form of "affirmative action" you could possibly have.

Lowering the standard is the ONLY form of Affirmative Action. Study up on the travesty that recently played out with the New York City Fire Department. See if I'm exaggerating in the slightest. But who cares if lives are at stake as long as it's in the name of equality, right?

Judge Garaufis shouldn't just be tossed from the bench. He should be be forced to sit in a burning apartment building and wait for the inept firefighters that he put work to put out the fire. But diversity is our strength, right?

There are other forms of AA, such as outreach, quotas and timetables. I don't have a problem with goals (not quotas) and outreach, but lowering standards should never be a consideration. Lowering standards is not only idiotic but dangerous, and it lowers morale. But it's practiced everywhere from elementary schools to fire departments and the military. To get rid of it you'd have to get rid of the Progressive Far Left-wing union leaders, teachers, professors, judges and politicians. Good luck with that.