comedy ahead of its time

I'm flipping channels recently and I see a show that looks EXACTLY like the skit that used to run on In Living Color.I'm thinking it's a comedy show but it's an actual show with two flaming Black guys reviewing fashion.

I've never cared about what somebody else was into but I have an aversion to the flamboyant attention seeking flaming gay guys that are parodied in the skit...and who are the real life hosts of the show that is now on the air.

No more comedy sketch shows on tv because here's nothing left to parody. The culture is a living parody.

In terms of the blatant LGBT agenda being promoted in popular culture now, I think we have to blame ourselves for being conned into allowing this stuff to flood airwaves. I call it a con because I saw exactly when and how it began. When they started allowing "hot chicks" to kiss each other on tv....male viewers for the most part were all for it.Fringe religious groups protested but nobody else really cared.
You can trace the events from there....

"You gotta stop them in the beginning. Like they should have stopped Hitler in Munich" Peter Clemenza