Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Nice examples, and all very noble. But get real.

10,000 men versus 10,000 women, boots on the ground, who's suffering more casualties?

Honestly? Probably men. It's in their instinct to protect the women. It has happened many times in the army and it will happen.

And for the record I'm not against women serving, I think any woman who wants to serve and passes the army standard is more than welcome to... but lowering the standard? That's the worst form of "affirmative action" you could possibly have.

-I shot him a coupla' times.
-What's a couple?
-Hmm, more than a couple... Really I don't know the exact amount, maybe I shot him 10 times, 12 times?
-Maybe fifteen?
-Hmm, it could've been fifteen...

-Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso