Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Malandrino
Nowadays with this bullshit ultraliberal culture apparently you can expect to change your gender and everybody better be okay with it, or else...

What a shitty time and place to live in.

Well said. It's like everyone else is supposed to play along with the charade.

I've said before how it's funny that liberals are all about science, so called. But when an issue like this comes up, they throw science out the window in favor of their social agenda.

Science has always been subject to politics and social agendas. Just look at global warming...I mean "climate change"...or whatever they'll want to call it five years from now. The extreme Left-wing believes that man-made global warming/climate change/bullshit is a greater threat than ISIS and or nature (including volcanic eruptions, the sun, etc.). The far Left social/political agenda is its own religion. You can even find many YouTube videos of college students stating their belief that the Earth would be better off without humans (I'm still waiting for the mass suicides of these true believers).