Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
I have heard that he left the "life" because he was in love with a girl that show him the religion; I think that after a discussion with some of colombo capos where his father Sonny has not defended him but rather was ready to kill him, he understood that it's not the case of risk his life for those people.

8-10 mil a week ? c'mon only with the drugs you can make so much money,with the gasoline you maybe can make 8-10 mil a month,and also the fact of having 300 men under him is not plausible, maybe ten but no more.

I believe the $8-10 million a week is possible because it was over a billion dollars stolen in the scam according to some investigations. Franzese didn't get all of it. It was split among 4 families and who knows how many associates and middlemen. Everyone involved became rich.