Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Except science shows that it is a physical condition. Trangenders have both different gene sequences in the NR3C4 and CYP17, and different brain structure in the Stria terminalis

Very interesting. I looked into what you said about how it may be a physical condition. Although many of these individuals may feel "disconnected" to their biological gender most go on to live normal lives. Only a small percentage of them actually go through with the surgery. I still believe that it is more of a developmental behavioral issue than a biological one.

I agree that it's likely a combination of development/ biology. I tend to think most things are. Like cancer or schizophrenia. You can have the genetic predisposition but never develop the condition which shows environment plays a role.

And yes, it is only a small percentage who go through with surgery. Most probably find some smaller way to incorporate these feelings into their 'straight' life. It makes me think of those old jokes about the business guy in the 3pc suit with the women's silk undies on under it. There's definitely some truth in jokes like that.

Last edited by helenwheels; 04/26/15 10:13 PM.

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?