Originally Posted By: XDCX
I have nothing against the LGBT community. I do feel they are a little heavy handed in their tactics, but overall, I say live and let live.

I'm not a religious person, but I would be opposed to the LGBT community trying to impose their will on churches. Separation of church and state works both ways: the government can't institute a "national religion", and gays shouldn't be able to force religious institutions to perform gay marriage ceremonies. It is fundamentally against their belief system (right or wrong), which makes it unconstitutional to force them to perform these ceremonies.

The problem is that they are imposing their beliefs on others. Kindergarteners are now being taught about LGBT and as they advance they are being taught LGBT sex acts. They go after Christian businesses and not only shut them down, but some threaten them with arson and death. In Oregon a Christian baker was not only forced to close her business, a judge recommended that she pay $135,000 -- an amount so high that she and her family will be forced to live in poverty. When supporters started a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe, GoFundMe shut it down. LGBT extremists have gone after several other Christian business owners, but as far as I know I have heard of a single case where a gay couple demanded that a Muslim bakery cater to them. LGBT activists have also tried to rewrite American history and put in school textbooks, like claiming that Abraham Lincoln was gay. There are plenty of other examples where they FORCE their beliefs on others.