Having views that lean to the left or right depending on the situation is EXACTLY how any truthful and right minded person should think PB. You wont find many politicians who would admit thinking that way, which is mainly why they cant be trusted.

The acronym, LGBT is a clue in itself as to how this will play out. For some reason, the "tranny community" is becoming more vocal (in whatever pitch), probably wound up by others in that acronym getting their agenda on the table and it wont be long before crazy equality demands are made. I can see it now, 2 sex changed people having a kid...thatll be nice for the child eh.

Unfortuantely, this type of person will never honestly be treated seriously by any right minded people, and its unfortunate for everyone.

As Ive said before, if I were gay, I would be outraged that I was lumped in the same group as transexuals.