The gays have already won the culture war here in America, and I honestly don't care. It's over. You can't unring a bell, and I don't give two shits what two adults do in their own bedrooms. But two things:

1) Don't force it on my Church (which they've essentially already done by barring Catholic Charity adoptions because they won't allow gays to adopt).

2) My kids are grown. My son just turned twenty, and he's the youngest. They're all straight. But had one of them been gay, I would have lived with it for THEIR happiness. But God forbid one of them was in the guidance counselor's office back in high school, and someone tried to coax them into a gay lifestyle, I probably would have killed someone. And, unfortunately, I mean that. Let nature take its course, and let these kids decide for themselves.

So again, if you're gay, you're gay. But as far as this androgyny goes:

Both sides (Left and Right) are all too quick in invoking the Founding Fathers of this country. Well, I like to think I'm a Centrist. But I do lean a little left or a little right depending on the situation. But what do you think the Founding Fathers would think of an androgynous world?

Yeah, that's what we broke away from England and fought countless (and often pointless) wars for: Androgyny rolleyes.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.