fergie- So what if he looks like a freak? I'm not fucking the guy,lol. I see freaky looking people all the time, and 99% of them aren't trans. Just freaks.

And yes,if one of my coworkers became a trans I would definitely talk about it with other coworkers. Gossiping is human nature. But if I had liked that coworker before they changed I would still like them, and would treat them as kindly as I had before.

As for the toilet thing I don't get all freaked out because I'm a woman. We don't piss out in the open like men, so even if a man wearing a dress and taking hormones uses my ladies room there still is privacy. Stalls with closed doors. You guys using urinals have it different, but no one with a vagina is using a urinal, even if they're a woman transforming into a man.

Last edited by helenwheels; 04/25/15 01:05 PM.

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?