I am so bothered by Jenner. He was a hero to us kids. Now the guy is obviously friggin nutso.

I believe the gender confusion starts at a very early age. What I noticed since I've been working around kids all my life is that at the AGE OF 3 is when these kids start to want and do things that are not necessarily acceptable behaviors. They are VERY EASILY INFLUENCED.

They, meaning boys, start wanting to put on lipstick and play in the kitchen and with baby dolls. There is an interest there. Now they are just curious. It's UP TO THE ADULTS to steer them in the right direction. They also need to have MALE role models who show them how to act like men and/or females who do not allow them to be effeminate.

I used to help out at a preschool. When this kid wanted to wear high heels and lipstick I gave him chap stick and bought him some costume fireman boots to wear. He did wear the heels a few times but I did not pay him any mind. I didn't give what he was doing ANY ATTENTION. Then he went back to wearing the boots. This is what adults need to do. Once a kid sees that he/she gets attention for doing these things they do them MORE OFTEN. Parents think it's cute behavior. Look how cute my Joey looks in lipstick and heels I'm gonna take his pic isn't it funny? NO it's not funny it's friggin stupid to do that. This is a very influential age and if you do not do something to stop it they will continue to think IT'S OK BEHAVIOR.