Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
His point on civil liberties is spot on.

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

And lastly, the two wars costing Trillions of dollars each to finance. Barack Obama and the Democrats were able to wind one down.

If you are talking about Obama and the Democrats getting troops out of Iraq, that is not exactly true. Bush had them planned to leave 2011 before Obama took office

Right. Edward Snowden, regardless if you like the guy made a very solid point: why is a 29 year old NSA contractor, the NSA version of your office computer repair guy able to wiretap ANY citizen in America? That should scare the shit out of anyone but progress has been slow. Really it's a constitutional issue, but sadly the 4th Amendment isn't always sexy like the 1st and 2nd haha.

IMO his biggest mistake was Libya. On a personal level Obama called the Libya intervention a turd sandwhich but it doesn't undo the fact that he went along with a bad deal there. We have to disagree on Syria. There were absolutely no good options and Hilary is wrong about arming the moderate rebels, as much as it pains me to say it because Assad is a monster. In hindsight the Free Syrian ARmy was almost destined to be marginalized and even killed off by the better-funded (thanks to Saudis/Qatar/Turkey) extremist groups Al-Nusra and of course, ISIS. Even if bigger intervention could have turned the tide in the FSA's favor early on it's been well documented that Assad was purposefully releasing ISIS prisoners and only attacking the moderate (questionably) FSA. Why? Simple, it's a terrible thing but he knew someone would intervene if he let ISIS gain the upper ground. Meanwhile he stalls out the war barrelbombing as he pleases. Obama's Syria mistake was to draw a bullshit red line. That's it.

Once we get weaned off middle east oil and the middle east in general I'll be happy for the day a president finally calls out Saudi Arabia and the gulf states on their bullshit. Funding ISIS, whipping women. It's sad we have to call them our allies. Not like they've sent in ground troops yet when it's their countries being threatened.

Last edited by BarrettM; 04/24/15 04:50 PM.