Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Dixie you are a good sport to laugh about those terrible accidents you were in. You are one tough guy. I don't know anybody who gets hit by a car and says he's going back to work moments later. lol You really do have a guardian angel looking out for you smile

I cannot imagine the pain you must be in though, sorry you have to deal with it every single day. frown

I swear to it though. All I remember seeing is GMC on his front grille. First contact was the bumper hitting my knees and luckily from my co-worker hollering my momentum was taking me to my left and once the bumper hit my knees I did a full flip like a bull just threw me off him, and it hit on my ass and sit there for a second praying my legs would still move. Luckily they did move and I wasn't hurting so I told my foremen I wasn't going for treatment lets get the day done. lol Young and dumb!