Yes that occurred to me. Right now I have a music file in my eMule download queue. It is an MP3, but it purports to be CD Quality. Of course, you don't really know what you are downloading. The Artists themselves might put out decoy copies of their work loaded with viruses to thwart file sharing (aka piracy). That said, I think I will scan the file before opening it. I don't know if an MP3 file large enough could ever equal the quality of a WAV. But its worth a shot.

They should cut us some slack. I would be happy to pay for one (1) song and put in some digital rights pass codes just to get the music I like. I would be thrilled to pay. I just don't want the whole album. Many of these people are 1 and 5 or 6 hit wonders. The rest of their stuff isn't worth listening to.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."