Wow. This is sad news, indeed. Doug & OB's post game Bears shows were classic. Especially this past couple of years with all that stink going on at Halas Hall.

Doug was one of the last sports radio guys in town that wasn't a douche bag. He was sincere, genuine and funny as any comedian on television.

Doug and Chet Coppock were putting the final touches on Buffone's biography set to be released this summer. Doug was one of my favorite Bears of all time.

One of the funniest stories he told was about the 1969 dismal Bears season. The Bears won only a single game that year and the offense was absolutely terrible. At one of the midseason practices, Buffone and the rest of the starting defensive unit lined up and began running all the offensive plays in the Bears playbook! The offense was angry because the defense actually ran the plays more efficient and successful!

Buffone said he never saw Head Coach Jim Dooley so angry. By the way, George Halas was angry as well! lol