Maybe this is more a Godfather IV what-if question, but I'm curious as to what people think would have happened in the aftermath of the opera house attack.

I'm thinking more the Immobiliare deal than with the criminal side of the family. To my mind the Corleone crime organization was well and truly in Vincent's hands now, and chief lieutenants like Al Neri had sworn their fealty to him.

But Immobiliare was now Michael's, and he had made the final split between the legitimate and criminal parts of his empire by handing the latter over to Vincent.

The possibilities that come to mind are:

1. Anthony changes his mind and takes over the now fully legitimized part of the Corleone business.
2. Michael sells his business empire as he goes into permanent seclusion and exile in Sicily.
3. Michael still keeps his fingers on the strings, even if somewhat indirectly (he could have a proxy on the board, someone like Connie).
4. Other members of the family (like Connie or Sonny's children) take over.
5. Vincent takes control of the Corleone's legitimate business interests, including Immobiliare.