Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

It's a silly analogy, but it almost reminds me of actors and actresses. Especially actresses. They bitch and moan that the industry is sexist when they can't get work after they become middle-aged. But it was fine when they were 25 years old, making millions, and taking jobs away from older actresses.

If being a middle-aged millionaire is so goddamned offensive, go get a job at Walmart.

Good analogy actually. Kay, from the Godfather, or Dianne Keaton was one of the first actresses I read about doing this exact type of complaining once she was no longer a spring chicken.

A handful of NFL players retired early this off season. I think we're going to see that trend in the next few years.Guys make the league just to prove to themselves that they could, make great money and move on before irreparable damage is done to their bodies.

I saw Wayne Chrebet at an event a while ago and what I'll say is that the NFL takes a toll on ex-players. A huge toll.Oddly enough, I ran into the boxer Bobby Cyz, in the same year and he looked and sounded normal.