PB you might enjoy this guy's epic bit on asset forfeiture. Couldn't have said it better myself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kEpZWGgJks

My understanding was NY had another garbage overhaul pretty recently. Matter of fact I couldn't sleep one night and did some reading on the matter. Said something like, the market was like the wild west where anyone could start a company...so building one two and three all in a row are using three different companies with diff trucks...driving up congestion and pollution. And the solution was to "Seattleize" the city pickup and give one section of the city to one private company so trucks aren't spilling in to each other.

Oh man, all I can say is good luck finding any solution to keep anybody happy tongue You'd have better luck finding peace in Palestine right. Some biz don't wanna get cut out of the picture and I'm sure some businesses like the low costs from all the competition and don't give a rat's ass about pollution and congestion when their pickups cheap.

Whats the current read?