Nobody is going to get 40 years in this case or any similiar case . Garbage is really a great business to be in .

I don't know much about NYC garbage market and will defer to the guys here in the know that the wise guys have been pushed out, gman and PB seem to the most knowledgable. Im not certain but it seems NE NJ , weschester and some of CT have ties and it will be very hard to boot em out . It appears stealing still goes on which should be prosecuted , They are basically garbage brokers, settling disputes , they are around because to some extent they are still needed . Personally I don't see how they are much different then big time political or money's power brokers who IMO cause more damage , although I will say these guys will prey on the weak and get their hands on their business but in all honesty that would probably happen without them . Most know in this business is for tough men that operate with a separate set of laws .

In NYC it does seem like Guiliana has made a fortune in the background check business . His firm regularly wins no bid deals , ironic as that was what he said CN did.

Not too mention how the govt has cornered the lottery business with again no bid work. When it comes to making $ in gray area businesses the govt takes their playbook from guess who .

Let's be honest the govt has cost far more American lives for the sake of money , in many gray areas the govt only competition with CN . CN problem is they can't really contribute to campaign contributions otherwise things would probably look different today . I will give CN some credit , with all the nonsense money wasting and resources activity done by the govt they have begun to play it legit . Gambling is up next