Yeah I wonder if Opie (can't remember his name) will have a bigger part now that Norma's brother took that job. That whole storyline annoys me, seemingly Emma is supposed to be the only "normal" regular character, but she thought it was completely understandable that Dylan wants to hang out with his mothers rapist. Now I know that not all is as it seems there, but it hasn't indicated at all that Emma knows more than what she's been told. All she knows is that he raped Norma and she fell pregnant with Dylan, but she acts as if Norman is in the wrong for wanting to tell his mother.

Now that's not to say Norman isn't in the wrong he clearly has a problem for the completely wrong and messed up reasons, but again there's no indication that Emma knows this. It's kinda ruined her character a bit for me. I mean why does she so desparetly want to be part of this fucked up family? It's hinted more than once that she isn't really into Norman anymore, but was using their relationship to get closer to these psychos.