Originally Posted By: domwoods74
! She is a stupid bitch , only comes on to stir shit the board is better off without her as far as I'm concerned . Hope your old man is ok PB . U don't have to explain yourself to no fucker , it's made me mad that u had to divulge personal info that's got nothing to do with anyone else

No buddy she didn't come to stir the pot and watch your fucking mouth calling her a stupid bitch, your over in fucking England and don't even know what she's talking about. All you pussies from England should shut the fuck up. PB put this info out himself, all she asked him was if he was talking about Kevlar and PB gave all that personal info on his own. Stay out of it, it's between him and her, you wanna speak up for PB then I'll speak up for her. You guys kill me with the tough guy routine on here, she's been done with this place for awhile now, but seen a post that bothered her, so she spoke up and asked. It's funny it made you mad cause this is shit I've seen PB talk about many times so again I'll say shut the fuck up