Originally Posted By: dixiemafia

I still say ALL cops should have some kind of camera like that on them that works to get some prosecuted now. If the camera "malfunctions" then the perp walks. I hate to swing to the left like this but this shit is getting out of hand.

I would have loved to have those ATF/DEA assholes that raided us so everyone could see how I was treated in my own apartment, all over a damn retired age tweaker who was gone 6-9 months before we even moved in! Instead I was thrown around on the concrete like this dude and had them scare the shit out of my son all because they were too lazy and then to top it off I had to clean their fucking mess up! I got the story posted somewhere on here.

You're 100% right. These sociopathic scumbags think they're above the law, and in reality they are, because they get away with it in 95% of the cases. I heard there were even talks throughout cop unions a couple of years back on pretty much putting LE officers ABOVE the law; it's point was that some laws shouldn't apply to them the same way like they to do an average citizen and/or sentences should be much lighter on them. Screw that! I hope it never happens. Police officers should rot in prison for intentionally killing innocent unarmed people for bullshit reasons... they're so trigger happy these days it's very scary. I, for one would be scared of cops if I lived in the USA, especially in bigger cities.

Dixie, I'm so sorry to hear that but unfortunately I'm not surprised. Did they even offer a real apology or that was that? If I were you, I would have sued them for psychological damage and then probably would have accepted an out of court settlement just as a sort of revenge.

-I shot him a coupla' times.
-What's a couple?
-Hmm, more than a couple... Really I don't know the exact amount, maybe I shot him 10 times, 12 times?
-Maybe fifteen?
-Hmm, it could've been fifteen...

-Anthony "Gaspipe" Casso