Originally Posted By: getthesenets

My problem overall with these types of stories is the different approaches police seem to take based on physical appearance/race of the suspect...and whether the same tactics would have been used if the suspect was of a different background at a different location.

Based on what data? Beyond you googling "white guy pulls gun on cop and cop doesn't shoot". Please, you're preaching to your own choir. You have no interest in facts, statistics, or data. You only have an interest in looking for racial issues so you can justify your position in life.

Guys like DL Hughley, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Farrakhan would be shit broke if it wasn't for "racism." They need racism more than racists do. When the leaders of the black community earn a living off of ensuring racism continues, you know there is a big problem.

Last edited by ItalianForever; 04/13/15 12:05 PM.