Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
good post, it seems as though this violent conduct by police is coming to the fore time and again because of cameras.

my thought is what if none of these incidents were recorded, look what the police would have got away with.

personally I feel the video from Cleveland where a disturbed police officer shot and killed a ten year old boy for no reason, was indeed terrifying. I would recommend to you see that video.

the officer drove up to the ten year old sitting on a bench and in 5 seconds the kid was dead.

is this what America has come to? police beating and murdering citizens.

I read the case and watched the video.

I believe cops have right to do their job and if there's a call about a person with a gun and they think he's reaching for it...they have to protect themselves and the community.

My problem overall with these types of stories is the different approaches police seem to take based on physical appearance/race of the suspect...and whether the same tactics would have been used if the suspect was of a different background at a different location.

Like you said...cops pulled up....pulled out and shot within 5 seconds and I'm not sure that they decide to go that route in a different situation.

Like I've said and pointed out examples of....crazed gunmen of different racial backgrounds get taken in alive..so