Originally Posted By: Big_T
Anyone who brings up shooting them in the leg, etc, has absolutely no clue about firearms, law enforcement, hell even good criminals know better! If you unholster your sidearm and aim it at someone, shoot to kill or don't bother. Otherwise your simply making a bad situation worse. Plus hitting someone in an appendage, especially when they are a moving target is really difficult. People watch too many movies. Not to mention, gunshots to the femoral artery are often fatal due to lose of blood. Few perps deserve to be shot in the back while running away, but anyone that makes a comment about "why don't they shoot them in the leg", is probably too ignorant to be posting here!

Agreed with you and Faithful. People are ignorant to say "why didn't he shoot the gun out of his hand" or "why didn't he shoot his leg". That shit is laughable.

When you shoot, you shoot to kill. This ain't no movie where everything is set up and everybody is hitting a string with a pistol from 300 yards which is a freaking joke.