Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
I'm pretty sure cops are supposed to use lethal force only if their life is in danger.

This cop's life wasn't in danger.

If he was shooting him in the leg or arm to subdue him like he should have been trained, then that is fair enough - but he shot him several times, calculatedly, with lethal force.

The cop didn't even have to shoot him to begin with. The victim was running so lethargically, he easily could have been caught if pursued.

But the real smoking gun here is the fact that the cop tried to plant evidence beside the victim.

Would any of you honestly want this guy protecting or serving you? God knows how much evidence has been tampered with before cameraphones became so ubiquitous.

I don't know what the victim's personal circumstances have to do with anything.

The cop has been in trouble before for not paying child support so he is just as much of a deadbeat as the victim allegedly was.

and just who is saying anything to the contrary of any of your "points", nice strawman argument. I can just assume your posts was made towards me because I had the audacity to speak badly about this poor fallen angel. ofcourse his personal circumstances have everything to do with it seeing that if he didn't have warrant for his arrest he wouldn't have ran and hence wouldn't have gotten shot. but I guess that's to much common sense for a liberal to understand.

As for your ridiculous comment about aiming for the arm or legs, as an avid gun owner myself I can say with confidence there isn't a cop on earth who is trained to shoot anywhere else but the chest. why? bc its the biggest target aiming for anything else just increases the risk of missing the target and having a civilian being hit with a stray.

but that's all a moot point anyway bc I can agree that no shots should've been fired in the first place. it just bothers me when people say why couldn't they have shot them in the leg? or just shoot the gun out of their hand!(not that this guy had a gun, im just speaking generally) bc its obvious that person is talking out of their ass and never had any real weapons training.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort