Originally Posted By: jipjones
First off Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong he was hanging out at a gas station with a hoodie on and some wannabe cop stalked him and followed him with a gun even after police on the radio told that clown Zimmerman not too.. So wat if Trayvon had some weed in his system shits bout to be legal none of u ever not puff on Chron b4!!! they sd of fried zimmermann!!! Fergeson mayb the cop was justified sounds like it but for all u guy this Carolina cop sd rot put his dumass in Gen POP for being so stupid DELLACROCE so wat if the guy ran u cant just fucken shoot ne body all that retard cop had to do was call backup as hes chasing him on his radio like they train him cops wd be there in secs set up a perimeter they got him!!!

Im not defending what the cop did, far from it. there was a million other ways to handle that situation. but you cant deny the fact that if he just stayed in his car like a regular fucking person would during a traffic stop, or had not been a dead beat fucking dad and taken care of his kids in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

the same thing goes for Trayvon. yeah Zimmerman shouldn't have been following him, but all Trayvon had to do was turn around and have a normal 30 second conversation with the guy explaining what he was doing and they both would have gone their separate ways. but no he had to have his thug mentality and jump straight into a fight and with that type of mentality it was just a matter of time before someone shot him. and its a sad but true testament about our country right now but if Zimmerman's skin was just a couple of shades darker(or had Trayvon's been a couple of shades lighter) nobody would have given two fucks about the Trayvon shooting, but since Zimmerman was awfully pale for a Mexican(and he may have been half white?) Trayvon instantly became a martyr against da white devil rolleyes

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort