Get this straight !!!! Picasso ain'nt Lenihan . I know for a fact and i also know who picasso is. I really do but would never divulge identity. You can take that with whichever grain of salt you choose.
Picasso( internet name) is much older than Lenehan. Picasso also never cooperated. Lenehan ended up as a Bonanno associate whereas Picasso was always with one crew.
Lenehan was around some serious guys and was more than just a very low level associate. I knew who he was, he used to have longish blond hair that was parted in the middle . What he says is true, he was tight with Nicky Palmieri who was a very powerful Genovese associate who never wanted to become made. His brother was already a gambino soldier who basically had the power of a capo. The brothers were split up back in the late fifties after attempting to kill a made gambino guy at a pool hall on bloomfield ave in newark. There was a sit down and both the brothers and another brother were supposed to be killed. Back then the wise guys had a lot of power and if they wanted to find you, they eventually would and you would be dead. These guys lambed it for over a year until it was smoothed over and the brothers were split up into different crews. I can go into more detail but for the sake of brevity i wont.
Again, Lenehan is NOT picasso. Those who think that ain'nt from the streets and dont know shit about bloomfield avenue. These internet deductions are fuckin ludicrous.

Last edited by Belmont; 04/12/15 05:39 AM.