In Arizona Walmart parking lot a family attacks cops.....cops hesitant to use deadly force during the attack...dash cam video in the article

full video here

COTTONWOOD, Ariz. — Police at the scene of a deadly brawl outside a Wal-Mart store in a small Arizona town deployed electronic stun guns and made multiple efforts to stop a large family from attacking them, according to a video recording released Friday.

But one officer was injured and one man was killed during the violent confrontation in which officers were tackled to the ground and put in chokeholds.

The video released by Cottonwood Police reveals how the confrontation unfolded on March 21 after officers were called about a Wal-Mart employee being shoved. The family involved lived in Boise for a number of years, but had recently left and was living out of a Chevrolet Suburban SUV in the Arizona Wal-Mart’s parking lot.

Scroll down for highlights from the police video.

The melee resulted in the non-fatal shooting of Sgt. Jeremy Daniels, who can be seen throughout the video being attacked and struggling for what appears to be his gun. Enoch Gaver, 21, was killed in the confrontation; 18-year-old David Gaver was shot in the abdomen but has since been released from the hospital and is being charged with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer.

The brawl broke out after police tried to separate the family members while they investigated the incident that took place inside the store. Several men punched and shoved the police officers, who used batons to fight back while yelling commands telling the suspects to get down. At one point, a suspect had an officer in a chokehold on the ground as others around him threw punches.

Around two minutes in, several men tackled Daniels to the ground, holding him down as they punched and kicked him. The officer can be seen struggling with a suspect for what appears to be his gun before it goes off.

“I’ve personally never seen the tactic applied. So I am not sure where they learned it; obviously someone had taught them that,” said Cottonwood Police Chief Jody Fanning.

Daniels was shot in the leg during the confrontation. He crawled off to the side before another officer administered aid.

But the confrontation continued for another three minutes as one suspect refused to get on the ground after being repeatedly told to do so.

David Gaver and four other members of the family — 55-year-old Peter Gaver, 52-year-old Ruth Gaver, 27-year-old Nathan Gaver and 29-year-old Jeremiah Gaver — were indicted in late March on varying charges of aggravated assault, riot, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and hindering prosecution.

Two juveniles were also arrested but not identified.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety is investigating the incident.