Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I know what you mean, Ivy. And not to pat myself on the back, but I've defended you as a researcher and historian ad nauseam over the years. And I've also stated that most of the barroom gossip posted by SOME locals is just that: gossip.

But if you're referring to me, the only way I can explain it is that there's a line that I just won't cross. It's as simple as that. It has nothing to do with fear of reprisal. Some people here know me personally, and for whoever may be reading anonymously, it's honestly not too hard to figure out who I am. I've been more than honest about my 25 years with Local 813, and a bunch of other stuff.

I've been called everything from a dry snitch to a bullshit artist over the years by my critics. When they finally gave up on discrediting my information, they decided to brand me a rat instead. Most recently by this Scarpo fraud who has gotten very chummy with our old pal Cornuto/Mexican Heritage lately. They're men without a country who found each other. And I've forgotten more about that life than either of them will ever know.

I'm no rat. But if I post some innocuous stuff here, most of it's ancient history. And the bottom line is, I never got my finger pricked or took any oath, either. I don't pretend to be anything I'm not. And that's that.

I don't think you fear reprisal. Like you said, we're just posting on an obscure message board. And the fact that I do consider you credible is why I wish you would expound further. Why have "a line" at all? Like you said, you never took an oath and, as far as I know, there's no such thing as internet Omerta. In my opinion, there's nothing any of us can post here that will have any real impact on the actual world or those we talk about. So the more info the merrier, I say. But to each his own I guess.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 04/11/15 11:21 AM.

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