Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane

I could see gambling being a huge money maker, Asians LOVE to gamble on anything.

I don't think there's a Chinatown on earth where there isn't some gambling going on lol

And in Hawaii, especially the involvement of Chinese and Korean mobs in gambling is well documented. The Japanese most likely have some going on as well. There are many sources indicating that the Yakuza were up to their eyeballs involved in Hawaii's meth trade in the 80's and 90's.

More recently there's also Hawaii's homegrown prison gang, the USO Family, that has become well-known in and outside the prison system. Any Hawaiian prisoner is accepted, but the large majority of its members are of Samoan and Native Hawaiian backgrounds- apparently the two communities with the highest incarceration rate. As with any prison gang it's difficult to make out what is true and what is bullshit. On some other forums there are Hawaii posters -who claim to be 'in the know'- saying that the prison gang is a powerful force in the local underworld, that they control a large part of the drug trade, protection rackets, gambling,... But like I said, when it comes to prison gangs, it's difficult to seperate the real from the fictitious.