]I have a laundry list lol I am going to comment on your list one by one but honestly smile

"The poor me types who think the world owes them something just because they had a setback."

My daughter loves to complain even when things are going super well. My Ma used to call those people "they cry when they have a loaf of bread under their arm"
"People who do not stick up for themselves and let others walk all over them."

Those are weak willed people, and they deserve to be taken advantage of.

"People who judge too quickly before putting themselves in the other person's shoes"

Hate people who do that, and most people do that. That is why I have a friend that I love more then anyone alive or dead. He never did that to me no matter what I have done never tried to judge me.

"People who do not know when to speak and when to keep quiet"

I was like that as a kid but got out of it later in life. Better to hold it in then hurt him later.
"People who do not take responsibility for their comments or actions"

More weak willed people like Obama.

"Indecisive people"

In soccer those are the players who do a lot of useless running.

"Gullible people, suckers, saps"

Some other people might call them trusting people. You and I might call them guilible, suckers and saps. Our problem might be we hardly trust anyone.

"Husbands and wives who try to control their spouses."

A lot of us try to do that. When my wife and I got married I insisted that our song at our wedding would be "My Way"

It took me a long time to realize that she tricked me, and it was actually Her Way most of the time.
"Kids who rule their parents."

Well that never happened to me. Except one time when I let my communists daughter leave Columbia for a semester and go to school in Berlin in Germany.
"Parents who are too harsh on their kids."

I think my Daddio might have been one of those smile what a fucking nut job he was also too harsh on his wife. But only if you think burning your wife with lite cigs is harsh.

"CHEAP people"

They are Miserables.


Who has not told a lie from time to time? You just don't want to be known as the mother of all liars. But if you call a liar a liar others my call you a racist.
"Nosey ppl"

I despise them.


They usually actuall don't know as much as they thing they do.

"Greedy sobs who hurt others just to get another dollar into their pocket/purse."

Oops maybe the others desire it.

"Jealous and envious people."

Some people might call them the have nots that can't get their own. Obama voters smile

"People who gossip and stir up drama."

People who are without sin cast the first stone. They will still threw tge stone.

"People who would rather talk about what they should do instead of just doing it. "

Lazy bastards

"People with poor manners. Parents who do not teach their kids good manners. "

Some kids just like to eat with their fingers smile some kids are great outside and animals inside when no one can see them

"People who treat their pets like humans not animals.i.e. People who push around their doggy in a stroller at the mall. "

Some people like animals better then they like people. I am an equal opportunity hater.

"People who do not learn from their mistakes."

You mean an Obama everything will get fixed by spending more money and raising taxes.

"New money; how I hate these ppl. They never had money in their life and now they've got it and do not know how to act accordingly. It's comical to watch especially when they try to show off."

Having new money is better then having no money. Someone hits the lottery I say good luck and don't spend it all in one place.
"The people who have to put a price tag on everything."

You can buy love because love does not last forever.

"Male chauvinists"

Don't forget the female ones

"Stupid people"

There are book stupid and street smart. Then you have worse book smart and street stupid.

"Bad drivers"

Who are the worst women or men or old people or all of the


My Daddio was a stalker when he first saw my mother. They are tge worst.


They should be put to death.

only the unloved hate