Originally Posted By: mustachepete
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl

CHEAP people

Specific situation that boils me: you're in a restaurant with more than a couple people, the check comes, and people start to hand money over. The bill is covered, with a generous tip, and SOMEONE wants to discuss if it's not too much of a tip - SOMEBODY must have put TOO MUCH in and should get some money BACK! It's covered - what business is it of yours how much everyone else tossed in? God forbid the waitress could maybe take a cab that night instead of waiting for the bus.

When I go out with my wife's friends. Then when it comes to paying the check they have to devide it among everyone one including tip to the penny.

I am used to someone just picking up the check and paying it and go.

Problem is most of the guys who did that besides myself are no longer are around any more.

My soccer friends never did it.

When our kids invite us out for an occassion they make sure they don't show them doing it because they know I hate that. So someone picks up the check and then later they put in their end when I am not around.

only the unloved hate