I have a laundry list lol

The poor me types who think the world owes them something just because they had a setback.

People who do not stick up for themselves and let others walk all over them.

People who judge too quickly before putting themselves in the other person's shoes

People who do not know when to speak and when to keep quiet

People who do not take responsibility for their comments or actions

Indecisive people

Gullible people, suckers, saps

Husbands and wives who try to control their spouses. Kids who rule their parents. Parents who are too harsh on their kids.

CHEAP people


Nosey ppl


Greedy sobs who hurt others just to get another dollar into their pocket/purse.

Jealous and envious people.

People who gossip and stir up drama.

People who would rather talk about what they should do instead of just doing it.

People with poor manners. Parents who do not teach their kids good manners.

People who treat their pets like humans not animals.i.e. People who push around their doggy in a stroller at the mall.

People who do not learn from their mistakes.

New money; how I hate these ppl. They never had money in their life and now they've got it and do not know how to act accordingly. It's comical to watch especially when they try to show off.

The people who have to put a price tag on everything.

Male chauvinists

Stupid people

Bad drivers
