Looking at their background, it seems weird that Basciano was punished more harshly than Mancuso. Both have been convicted for 2 murders, but Basciano has one with extenuating circumstances (the victim wanted to kidnap his son), while Mancuso has one with aggravating circustances (killed his wife because she burned his food). And, while Mancuso should have never been released for that wife killing in my opinion, he did only 10 years, then has been convicted for the Pinzolo hit and still didn't get life in prison even though he didn't even turn informant. Basciano, on the other hand, has gotten life for both murders. Do you think the reason may be that Basciano is above Mancuso in the mafia hierarchy? Why have they been so lenient with Mancuso anyway?

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."