Originally Posted By: tiger84
Randolph Pizzolo was a fuckin psycho im surprised he didnt beat cicale to death.He seemed like a guy who didnt give a fuck lol he probably hated cicale but didnt do anything to him because of vinny

That's actually quite the contradiction from how the story goes, at least how its said in the Vinny Gorgeous book. Cicale was apparently the only one who liked and showed any kind of respect to Pizzolo, and Pizzolo appreciated him greatly for it, apparently. A little too much. Basciano, according to Massino called Pizzolo a "annoying jerk off, an annoying kid that don't listen, he talks stupid. And he's just an annoying fucking kid." Everybody disrespected Pizzolo according to that book, he apparently fell under Aiello, Aiello disrespected him because there were instances of Pizzolo not following mob decorum. He embarrassed himself by trying to taunt a DA, while he was on parole and that DA knew it. Cicale tried to save him apparently by telling him to go to Florida and start over. But Pizzolo was so determined to get made, and wrote his own life insurance. In fact, Cicale was the only outfit guy to show up to Pizzolo's funeral, supposedly.

Maybe PB will know the real story with that, but the Destafano book paints Pizzolo more like an embecile, than a psycho.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 04/04/15 07:16 AM.