Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87
One uppers and people who always do something before you and let you know, whenever my friends brother in law and I talk about Game of Thrones he always says "Yeah well I read all the books, a while ago." My cousin was telling me about a recipe and I mentioned that I cooked something similar her response "Well I did it well over a decade ago." I read The Hobbit and I was talking about the movie with my cousin and how it was different from the book, I said I just had recently read it her response "Well I grew up reading that book."

The only way I can respond to these people is "Congratulations," because they obviously want a pat on the back or something.

My daughter the communist is book smart and always willing to tell you how much you don't know. Plus being honest is the most important thing to her even if what she says hurts someone's feelings needlessly.

My brother is like that as well. He doesn't think before he talks but I think that has something to do with his brain is getting fuckup due to getting old.

Yet they both asked some stupid guy for money when they needed it. I guess they were right because the stupid guy gave it to them.

only the unloved hate