like I said.. mongols and h.a's.. and Im not getting that specific.. but as far as chapters go... just say the greater los angeles area..
I don't have anything against any of these people... just not the type of crowd I care to be around... that being said I will admit that there was 2 separate occasions where ive just happen to be at the same place that a big group of mongols were also at where each time one of them went out of their way to say whats up and were actually very cordial(which I thought was really strange considering I was not introduced to them, nor was I with anyone who knew them. literally they just walked by me and said hello that was it). im not going to put names on here.. but the first time ill say it was the president of the commerce chapter (or was at the the time, this was a few years ago) real big guy... anyways literally 10 of them walked in and they all gave me mean looks and he was the last one to walk in and he was the one who said whats up and was cool..
the other one who I met a separate time that was cool was chente. I think he was from the Hollywood chapter?

anyways just thought I would share that since I kind of did go on a rant and grouped them all together as being fucking dickheads.. those were 2 random experiences ive had where they actually went out of their way for no reason to be cool,to a stranger also.