In terms of my sources, I'm admittedly unique. Not many authors, especially at my age (37) have been published in writing about three diff mafia families (Det, Chi, Phil). I'm lucky to have done it. and from those endeavors and George Anastasia being my mentor/penning the Crazy Phil autobio and me spending the 2000s living in Chi & working for the Illiois Atty Gen's Office, ive got pretty good sources in all three cities - for those who don't know Det is my hometown and current place of residence. Now, Ive also reported having sources in New England, which right now are my weakest crop, but I think improving. My connection to Boston/Prov comes from me having a good deal of family in the area, trying unsuccessfully to get Cadillac Frank's autobio off the ground, my two cousin cops in Massachusetts "Staties" introducing me to some sources and getting a few LE contacts there via other LE contacts I already had. Its been an interesting ride this past decade. I can understand some of the doubters saying "how the fuck does this dude in Detroit know whats up in Philly, etc."

Scott Burnstein

Last edited by scottburn; 04/02/15 08:11 PM.